Category Archives: Blogroll

Shady SEOs the Google Crackdown

Finally, Google is cracking down on Shady SEO companies! Some of you may have noticed in the last few weeks-months a reduction in calls from people claiming to work for Google. Well there’s a good reason for that. Google recently started cracking down on Shady SEO companies who falsely present themselves as Google or working for […]

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Photography is critical for your site!

If you haven’t seen Fast Company’s Article on a Lingerie Company’s A/B testing efforts we suggest you do. It shines an interesting light on how Critical photography is on eCommerce and Fashion sales. SUGM’s been working with some of the newest retailers around the wold with their Social Media campaigns and their sites. We’ve know about many […]

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ArtWatch Photograph by Kassim Richards

What Local can do for you?

At the end of the day we are looking for sales. We want  good customers, and that’s what Local Marketing can do for a business. When we talk about Local Marketing we mean beyond flyers, radio, and print advertising.  We’re talking about your business being able to be found online and being able to direct customers […]

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